The sixth chapter of Männertanga tells a rather uninhibited vacation story. Here is a short excerpt: A young guy, still a virgin despite his eighteen years, wanted to finally put an end to his post-pubescent bashfulness. He booked a singles vacation in Tunisia. As a challenge, his buddies packed a bright red swim thong in his suitcase. He had to promise to only go to the beach with the rat-sharp part. When he came back, not only did he present a flawless thong tanline, but also his first girlfriend, who was completely crazy about his body in a thong. The juicy details of this successful “psychotherapy” with the tiny bathing suit are in the book.

Next, the swimming trunks chapter gives us plenty of excitement about the potato sacks with which adolescents haunt the swimming pools. At least up to the knee, often even up to the ankles, they stick to the pubescent asparagus tarzan like a shower curtain. And now it’s also “fashionable” to leave your unwashed underpants on under these XXXL shorts in order to show off the designer’s name on the elastic waistband. But many lifeguards no longer play along and show the boys the red card.

Even men who appear at the pool in swim thongs don’t have it easy. Here, the water police whistle just as loudly and demand that you put on something “decent” immediately. Mothers would complain in droves, seeing their children’s wellbeing at risk – while the little ones romp naked in the paddling pool.
In the next chapter, the men’s thong book takes a look at all the machos who mercilessly get off on the girls’ skimpy string bikinis, while they themselves are dressed like a court jester in a potato sack. It’s best to read for yourself what adventures the authors have had with Strings and Pool. Here is your book.
As you can see, there is still a lot to do before an unadulterated string experience is possible everywhere. The men’s thong book is an important step into the new world. And now you’re doing the next one.

Picture above: @robcarlo (IG and TT), center left: Männertanga editorial team, right: Adobe Stock
Images below from left to right: @chris_tina_jero, pawel nowak @zwyczajnychlopak, @dillonfazee